

This is Mango! She arrived from a shelter in Kameoka just a few days ago. She’s three months old and was actually born in the shelter and has spent the last 12 weeks with her mother and forty other dogs. She probably finds our place a bit quiet for the moment! She’s becoming fast friends with our other dog, Coco, who has woken up a bit having been in a bit of a slump since Maru passed away a few months back, just before the last firing. I’m hoping she’ll be company for me too up in the workshop in the future!



2 thoughts on “Mango!

  1. Hiroyuki, Kida

    Hello and how do you do? I am Kowichi’s father. Kowichi is one of the friend of your daughter.
    Last Friday, I heard that your daughter and Kowichi had told about Mango.
    Your daughter said, “Do you know Mango? I love Mango.”
    He said, “Of course, I like it very much. I ate some frozen mangos right now.”
    She said “Eat it?”

    It was so funny and so cute, I think.

    Sorry for my poor English. I want to tell you their conversation.

    1. J.Erasmus Post author

      Dear Mr Kida
      Thank you for your funny email!
      And your English is very good too!
      Akari is starting at Ichijima kodomo-en soon, so perhaps we’ll see you there sometime…
      Thanks again


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